The Young Artists Debut Orchestra’s PRELUDE STRINGS Program provides low income, underprivileged students with an equal opportunity to experience a life-transformational music education, which is a groundbreaking initiative in our community.


The YADO offers many free musical opportunities including:


Instrumental lessons by teaching artists, who have the most extraordinary qualifications in the entire region to teach our students and to play “side-by-side” with them during rehearsals and performances.

Music director/conductor with world class credentials and International experience.

Tuition scholarships and registration for interested low income children.

Quality stringed instruments and supplies

Four public performances that are free and open, family friendly, live classical, including Winter and Spring Concerts; Erie SeaWolves’ Independence Day Celebration; and a Summer Music Academy Finale Concert for those who cannot otherwise afford these soul-nourishing cultural experiences.

Music educational field trips to attend the world renowned Cleveland Orchestra’s Educational Concerts.

Recitals throughout our community


Questions? Please contact Executive Director Jessie Collura at

Documentary: Zerah’s Story